Sunday, August 23, 2009

how to use a pendulum to contact a spirit

All pendulums ain't made equal. It is easiest ta start out
wit da wooden one. An acorn on a string was ma first.

Not everyone can "move" a pendulum right off. Ya use the lightest material
until ya can move it and den ya establish yo base line communication signs. The
main four- what is YO yes, no, maybe, leave it 'lon reponses, ya know clockwise
or counterclockwise circle, up and down or to and fro' lines.

If'n ya can move and work it den ya must test de device using questions ya
knows de answer to. Den da next most important step is ta try ta identify
EXACTLY what spirit is talking (a name) OR if'n you are talkin' wit yo own
subconcious self.

Once dat is done, ah suggest a SILVER PENTAGRAM be attached to de other end of
de pendulum string or chain, de one ya hold or suspend it from, so any passing
spirit don't feel so inclined ta butt in on de conversation- whether ya be
talkin' ta yo Spirit Guide or yo own self!


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